Datenschutzrichtlinien und Datenschutzerklärung von personenbezogenen Daten

IBERMETAIS - Indústria de Trefilagem, S.A., a wire drawing company.
Ibermetais is committed to protecting its Customers personal data, having in this context drafted this Policy, which underpins its commitment to respect the rules of personal data protection, ensuring that they are treated in a correct and lawful way, according to legal standards and good practices.

The purpose of this policy is to inform Customers of the general rules for the processing of personal data, data collected and processed in strict compliance with the provisions of the personal data protection legislation in force at all times, namely Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 ("GDPR").

Ibermetais respects the best practices in the domain of personal data protection taking the necessary technical and organizational measures to comply with the GDPR, ensuring that the processing of personal data is lawful, fair, transparent and limited to authorized purposes.

It is also committed to the protection and confidentiality of personal data, taken the measures it deems appropriate to ensure the accuracy, integrity and confidentiality of personal data, as well as all other rights that assist the respective owners.

The rules set forth in this policy complement the provisions regarding the protection and processing of personal data provided for, in the agreements between Customers and Ibermetais.

This policy applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data for which Ibermetais is responsible for its treatment, within the scope of services provided to its Customers and in all situations in which processing of personal data occurs.

Personal information is any information of any nature and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable person.

A person is considered identifiable when it can be identified, directly or indirectly, in reference to a name, identification number, location data, identifiers by electronic means or one or more specific elements of his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social.

The processing of personal data consists of an operation or set of operations carried out on personal data or personal data sets, by automated or not automated means, namely collection, registration, organization, structuring, preservation, adaptation, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure, diffusion, comparison, interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction.

The entity responsible for the processing of personal data is the Company, which determines the purposes and means of treatment.

If the holder of the personal data needs to contact the person responsible for data processing, he may do so through the means and contacts indicated below:

  • in person, in the headquarters of Ibermetais - Indústria de Trefilagem, S.A., located in Avenida do Pólo 6, nº 80, Apartado 8, 4591-908 Freamunde - Paços de Ferreira;
  • by email to;
  • by postal communication addressed to the Data Processing Officer, Ibermetais - Indústria de Trefilagem, S.A., located in Avenida do Pólo 6, nº 80, Apartado 8, 4591-908 Freamunde - Paços de Ferreira.

The data protection supervisor plays an important role in the treatment of personal data guaranteeing, among other things, the conformity of data treatment with the legislation in force. He makes sure we fulfil this policy and defines clear rules on the treatment of personal data; he makes sure that all those who have trusted him that treatment are aware of how Ibermetais makes it and which right they have.

Therefore, the holders of personal data, if they want to, can send a communication concerning matters relating to the processing of personal data to the Data Protection Supervisor, using, for that purpose, the following contact:

In the scope of the activities Ibermetais develops, we make the treatment of personal data which are necessary to the provision of services and / or supply of products, as well as, at the level of social intervention, treating data such as name, address, telephone number, email address, vat number, social security number, among others.

We will treat traffic data, geographical location and profile of the Customer, as they are necessary for the respective provision of the services, without prejudice to the compliance with legal rules regarding the preservation and transmission of data for the purpose of investigation, detection, prosecution of serious crimes, as well as other treatments to which the company is legally.

The information about location can also be registered and transmitted to organizations with legal competence to receive emergency calls, so that they can reply to those calls, as well as judicial entities.

The consent given by the Customer can be redrawn at any time, without, however, the lawfulness of the treatment carried out on the basis thereof is compromised.

Ibermetais collects its personal data through phone, written communication, email, postal or fax, and through our website, guaranteeing whenever necessary, previous consent of the holder of the personal data.

Some personal data are essential to the contract and the fulfilment of legal obligations, so that, in case of absence or insufficiency thereof, Ibermetais may not offer the contracted services.

We can treat personal data gathered computerize and in an automated and non-automated way, guaranteeing in all cases the strict fulfilment of the legislation of personal data protection. These will be storage in specific data bases, created for that purpose, and in any situation these data can be used for other purpose rather than the one they have been collected for or given the consent by the holder of the data.

Ibermetais may communicate customer's personal data for the compliance of legal obligations, in particular to police, judicial, tax and regulatory entities, without prejudice to the recipients indicated through this policy.

Generally, the collected personal data have grounds and are destined to the management of the contractual relationship, the provision of the contracted services, the adequacy of services to customer needs and interests.

Additionally, we may treat personal data for the compliance of legal obligations and for investigation, detection, prosecution of serious crimes.

The period in which personal data are stored varies in accordance according to the purpose for which the information is processed.

Indeed, there are legal requirements that require you to retain the data for a minimum period. Therefore, whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected or for further treatment, as defined by law.

As holders of personal data, we guarantee our Customers, at any time, the right to access, rectify, update, limit and erase their personal data (except for the data that is essential to provide the services, or are mandatory provision, or to comply with legal obligations to which the controller is subject). We guarantee the right to object to their use for commercial purposes and the withdrawal of consent, without jeopardizing the lawfulness made under such consent, the right to data portability.

Without prejudice to GDPR, the holder of personal data may do so directly or by written request addressed to the appropriate Responsible for treatment, using the contact details for this purpose in this document as well as other contacts provided by Ibermetais.

Customers may submit complaints directly to Ibermetais, using the contact details for this purpose, but Customers may complain directly to the Supervisory Authority, which is the National Commission for Data Protection (NCDP), using the contacts provided by this entity to the effect.

Ibermetais is committed to ensure the security of protection of personal data that are available, having adopted and implemented strict rules on the matter. Compliance with these rules is an obligation of all those who legally access them.

Taking into account the concern and commitment that Ibermetais reveals in the defense of personal data, we have adopted a number of technical and organizational security measures in order to protect the personal data made available, against its dissemination, loss, misuse, unauthorized access, alteration, treatment or access, as well as against any other form of illicit treatment.

In addition, third parties that in the context of services proceed to Customer's personal data on behalf of the customer or on behalf of Ibermetais, are obliged, in written, to execute appropriate technical and security measures which, at any moment, satisfy the requirements of the legislation and ensure protection of the data subject's rights (in particular the protection of privacy and personal data of customers).

In this sense, on its website, forms of personal data collection require the Browser encrypted sessions and all transferred personal data is securely stored in the systems under cover of all physical security measures and logical that Ibermetais understood to be indispensable for the protection of personal data.

Ibermetais, as part of its activity, may use third parties to provide certain services. Sometimes these services require access by these entities, to the personal data of customers.

When this happens, Ibermetais takes appropriate measures to ensure that the entities that have access to data are reputable and offer the highest guarantees at this level, which is properly established and contractually safeguarded between Ibermetais and third party (ies).

Thus, any subcontractor by Ibermetais, will process the personal data of our customers, in the name and for the account of and adopting technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against destruction, accidental or unlawful or accidental loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access and against all other unlawful forms of processing.

In either case, Ibermetais remains responsible for personal data made available to you.

The provision of certain services by Ibermetais may involve the transfer of your data outside Portugal, including outside the European Union or international organizations.

In such a case, Ibermetais strictly comply with the applicable legal provisions, in particular in determining the suitability of the country(ies) of destination as regards the protection of personal data and the requirements applicable to such transfers, including, where applicable, the celebration of the appropriate contractual instruments that guarantee and respect the legal requirements in force.

All contents on this site are the exclusive property of Ibermetais: text, images, or other information that does not originate from third parties. Thus, the Copyright Code protects them.

Ibermetais reserves the right, at any time, to change these contents, with no obligation to make any prior notice to users.

Ibermetais reserves the right to at any time and even if not required by law and regulations, make adjustments or amendments to this policy, and these changes adequately publicized in Ibermetais's various communication channels, date from which they will come into force.

Therefore, you should regularly access this section of the site in order to see the updated version of our Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy and Data Protection, please do not provide your personal data.

We alert, however, to the fact that the use of available services may be subject to the provision of personal registration data and other, without which it will not be possible to fully benefit from our services.

"Cookies" are small software tags that are stored on your computer through the browser retaining only information related to the preferences, not including as such personal data.

They serve to help determine the usefulness, interest and the number of uses of websites, allowing for faster and more efficient navigation, eliminating the need to, repeatedly, enter the same information.

Are used to:

  • To allow navigation on the website;
  • To ensure the website's operation efficiency;
  • To store information;
  • For the purpose of creating and analyzing statistics, to improve the functioning of the website;
  • To save user preferences regarding the use of the site.

All browsers allow the user to accept, decline or delete cookies and inform the user when a cookie is received, namely by selecting the appropriate settings on their browser. You can set cookies on the menu "options" or "preferences" of your browser.

Note however, that disabling cookies may prevent some Web services from working correctly, affecting part or all of the navigation on the website.

Ibermetais uses on its website software and computer systems that collect, during its normal operation, some personal data (called log files), the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

We do not collect this information to be associated with identified individuals; but because of their nature, they can, through processing and integration with data held by third parties, enable users to be identified.

Such information includes the IP addresses or computer domain names used by users to connect to the site, addresses in the form of UIF (uniform identifier feature) of requested resources, time of request, the method used to submit request to server, the file size obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the state of the answer response by the server (complete, error, etc.) and other parameters concerning the operating system and the user's computer environment.

These data are used with the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on site usage and to check if it is working properly.

Ibermetais will carry out the processing of personal data in accordance with the Portuguese and European law in force.

Coimbra, May 24, 2018